Tuturns FAQS


Frequently Asked Questions

There’s no signup fee on Tuturns. You can create your account and take demos without paying us anything! You’ll have to pay only when you purchase a course.

You can easily find your course on our website under it’s particular category.

Tuturns gives you a power to choose your own tutor. You can take demos from different tutors and choose which suits you the best.

Your course fee will be decided by your tutor. The tutors will qoute their prices along with the offered course which can be purchased by the students.

You can take 1 free demo class per teacher and multiple demo classes from different teachers.

If the teacher fails to deliver what he promised we’ll compensate your payment or allow you to choose any other tutor.

Free demo classes will be of 20-25 minutes. Timings of the regular classes will be decided between the tutor and the student

We won’t be able to change your tutor after you pay for the course, however, you can switch your course after the month ends.

Your payments will be collected by us through our website whenever you purchase a course.

They will be conducted through local channels or Tuturns LMS.

The counseling sessions are free of cost for Tuturns Premium members, students/parents can schedule a meeting with our counselor when they require any help.